Graduation ceremony of Class 2016 – Organising details

Update 6.8.2016

This year we will try something new, in orfer to avoid the overcrowding of the Sports Hall, the graduation ceremony of class 2016 will take place in the Theater Plaza, Friday, 17th of June at 6 PM.

Almost 900 students will leave our university’s benches on the 17th of June. You are invited to be there at 12.00, at the Tîrgu Mureș Sports Hall, where all the 887 students will recite the Hippocratic Oath and will celebrate the graduation of 3,4,5 or 6 years at our university.


Programul desfășurat al festivității este următorul:

Time Hall Specialty
09,00 Medicine Faculty
Festive Hall, 2nd floor, main building Medicine – Romanian
Hall nr. 1, ground floor, main building Medicine – Hungarian
Lecture Hall of the Simulation Center Medicine – English
Lecture Hall nr. 42, ground floor, main building Physician Assistants – Romanian
Lecture Hall 48, ground floor, main building Physician Assistants -Hungarian
Lecture Hall, Building 47 Fizical Education and Sports
Hygiene Lecture Hall, 3rd floor, main building Nutrition and dietetics
Lecture Hall, Building 47 BFK
08,30 Pharmacy Faculty
National Theatre Pharmacy and Assistant Pharmacy
09,00 Dental Medicine Faculty
MD Amphitheatre Dental Medicine and Dental Technicians
10,45 – 11,00 Graduate roundup for departure to the Sports Hall
11,00 – 11,45 Student Parade
12,00 Graduation Ceremony



Useful information:

  • The graduation robes will be given out by the Students League
  • The parade will have this route:

Str. Gheorghe Marinescu, Str. Nicolae Grigorescu – Student Campus, Str. Victor Babeş, B-dul Cetăţii, Scăricica, Str. Mihai Eminescu, Str. Matei Corvin, Str. Cuza Vodă şi Sala Sporturilor

  • The Students’ League and the Hungarian Student Association will nominate 12 students that will have distinctive clothes and will form the colunmns of 5 students that will participate in the UMF-Sports Hall Parade
  • The gathering point of the graduates will be on the sidewalk across the street from the university. The columns will be formed on the alley of the Heroes Park.
  • The decoration of the festive halls will be the responsibility of the next year graduates and this activity will take place Thursday, 16.07.2016, in the afternoon.
  • We recomend drinking fluids during the parade to avoid dehydration.


The seating arangements in the Sports Hall can be viewed in this atachment LINK

We invite all of you to be there for our students graduation! They deserve it!

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