Zilele UMFST 2021

Universitatea de Medicină, Farmacie, Științe și Tehnologie „George Emil Palade” din Târgu Mureș organizează, în perioada 6 – 10 decembrie 2021, Zilele Universității, un eveniment cu tradiție la care este invitată să participe întreaga comunitate academică.

Anul acesta, manifestările se vor desfășura în format hibrid, iar programul complet va fi disponibil în curând. Principalele evenimente organizate în ediția 2021 cuprind:

  • Sesiunea științifică a cadrelor didactice pe domeniile medicină, farmacie, științe și tehnologie
  • A 14-a Conferință a Doctoranzilor și Tinerilor Doctori pe domeniile medicină, medicină dentară, farmacie, filologie, istorie, informatică, inginerie și management, sub egida Școlii Doctorale
  • Memorial Lecture George Simu – Towards Curative Interventions through Immune Engineering; Invitat: Prof. Dr. Adrian Bot, vicepreședinte și director global de medicină translațională la Kite Pharma (Gilead Sciences), dezvoltând produse celulare modificate genetic pentru indicații oncologice
  • Miskolczy Dezső Memorial Award Lecture – Cerebrovascular diseases: animal experiments and clinical studies; Invitat: Prof. Dr. Bereczki Dániel, medic primar neurologie, Șeful Departamentului de Neurologie la Universitatea de Medicină Semmelweis Budapesta
  • Inaugurarea unor obiective finalizate în anul 2021
  • Conferințe, workshop-uri, webinarii și manifestări pe diferite teme științifice, sociale, culturale și artistice

Rezumatele prezentate în cadrul celor doua sesiuni științifice, vor fi încărcate pe platformele dedicate și publicate în numărul 4 al volumului Book of Abstracts, dedicat Zilelor UMFST.


The George Emil Palade University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science, and Technology from Targu Mures University Days will take place during the 6th and 10th of December, 2021. Our annual UMPhST University Days event is a tradition where the entire academic community is invited to participate.

This year, the events will take place in hybrid format, hosting people on-site and on-line. The main happenings organized in the 2021 edition will include:

• The Scientific Session of University Academic Staff in the fields of medicine, pharmacy, science and technology

• The 14th Conference of PhD. Students and Young Doctors in the fields of medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, philology, history, computer science, engineering and management, under the auspices of the Doctoral School, a program that offers plenary sessions and scientific communications supported by foreign guests and Ph.D. supervisors with high academic prestige

Presentations for our international students will also be held.

• The George Simu Memorial Lecture under the theme ”Towards Curative Interventions through Immune Engineering”; Guest: Adrian Bot, M.D., Ph.D., the Vice President and Global Head of Translational Medicine at Kite Pharma, a Gilead Company, developing genetically engineered cell products for oncology indications

• The Miskolczy Dezső Memorial Award Lecture under the theme ”Cerebrovascular diseases: animal experiments and clinical studies”; Guest: Bereczki Dániel M.D., Ph.D., primary neurologist, Head of the Department of Neurology at Semmelweis University of Medicine from Budapest

• Inauguration of the most important objectives completed in 2021

• Conferences, workshops, webinars and other events on various scientific, social, cultural and artistic topics

The abstracts presented during the two scientific sessions will be submitted on the dedicated platforms and published in this year’s issue of the volume with ISBN, entitled Book of Abstracts of The UMPhST University Days. You are kindly asked to follow the steps described here: 

• for the Scientific Session of teachers: https://sscd.umfst.ro/

• for the 14th Conference of PhD. Students and Young Doctors: https://phd.umfst.ro/

The full program will be available soon. The events will be live-streamed by UMFST Live academic TV station via Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/umfst/) and YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/c/UMFSTLive).

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