Virtual assistant for international students who apply to UMFST Târgu Mureș

Alex-UMFSTThe University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Sciences and Technology of Târgu-Mureș welcomes the international applicants to UMFST Târgu-Mureș with a virtual assistant, called Alex, who aims to answer instantly, in English, all the questions regarding the admission process.

Developed by Assistant Professor Dumitru Radoiu (PhD) and by Bogdan Anton (MA student), from the IT Department within the Faculty of Sciences and Letters, the virtual assistant Alex can be added by Skype users and can answer their questions about the admission anytime.

PlaftormaTechnically, Alex uses NLP (Natural Language Processing) and AI (Artificial Intelligence) in order to understand human language and to extract the intention/question and the context of the dialogue. Apart from answers to frequent questions, Alex is capable of extracting new answers from its own Knowledge Base, which comprises the documents and the procedures posted on the University website.

Virtual assistant Alex is experimental at this stage and can be added as a contact to Skype from the platform dedicated to “Early admission” on the University website:

We would like to remind you that, through the “early admission” procedure, the applicants who wish to become students at our University must fill in their online applications during 1-31 March, and their applications will be assessed by a commission which consists of professors at out University.

There will be an online interview, via Skype, between 9-17 April, and the results will be available on 6 May. The applicants will have to pay a fee for the reservation of their position on 21 May, and on 31 July they will have to submit the application with the documents necessary for the release of the acceptance letter. These documents will be presented in original by 23 September.

For more details, please call 0265-215.551 – extension 173, or send an email to: Contact person: Dan Groșan.

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